Comprehensive Regulatory Pathway for Brazilian Pharma Industry

We are delighted to see your interest in Freyr’s Webinar Series (FWS). The webinar on, “Comprehensive Regulatory Pathway for Brazilian Pharma Industry”, was successfully concluded on April 6, 2021. Here is an archived version for your perusal.

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What Was It All About?

In this webinar session, our Brazilian Regulatory expert, Roberta Rodrigues and Michael Lambell elaborated on:

  • Overview of Brazilian Pharma Market & ANVISA
  • Why Brazil?
  • Classification & Registration Process of Pharmaceutical Products
  • ANVISA as a Member of PIC/s
  • Rx to OTC Switch
  • Case Study
  • Challenges Faced by New Applicant & Freyr Expertise in Brazil 

As a continuous practice, Freyr is destined to organize more webinar sessions related to Regulatory aspects of Life Sciences. We presume that you would like to be a part of all those sessions. If yes, let us have an opportunity to inform you about our next session.

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